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Emotions Ahead of the Finnish Municipal Election 2021

MTV News and empathy analytics company NayaDaya Inc. have studied Finns' emotions toward political parties and the activities of party chairmen.

Facts about the study:

  • Emotion data was collected through the YouGov online panels in March-May 2021

  • The quota sampling was implemented on the basis of age, gender, and geographic location to represent the Finnish population of 18 years or older

  • Other variables were family lifecycle, urbanization, income level, profession, education level, use of social media, and party preference

  • For the overall results (N=3002 and N=1003) the margin of error is ±2,2 and ±2,8 percentages with 95 percent level of trust

  • The data was analyzed with the NayaDaya® Empathy Analytics, based on scientific emotion theory[2], University of Geneva research[1] and algorithm[3] which predicts behavior and engagement levels

[1] Scherer, K.R., Fontaine, J.R.J, & Soriano, C. (2013). Components of Emotional Meaning. Oxford University Press.

[2] Pre-existing scientific research independently conducted and published by the Geneva Emotion Research Group at the University of Geneva.

[3] The Emotional Value Index (EVI) algorithm developed by NayaDaya Inc.

Please contact:

Timo Järvinen, CEO, NayaDaya Oy, , puh. +358 40 505 7745

Timo Salomäki, Head of Global Growth, NayaDaya Oy, , puh. +358 40 709 2399

NayaDaya Inc. is an empathy analytics company that reveals the way emotions and behavior interact with phenomena and brands. Through data, insight, empathy, and impact, we empower organizations, authorities, brands, and leaders to strive for a sustainable change. If you respect science, empathy, and data, we would love to discuss with you. News and further information:


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